Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011



By : Muhammad Nurhadi, S.Pd.
NIP. 19600212 198403 1 006


Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa dunia atau bahasa internasional. Oleh karena itu bahasa Inggris sangat penting bagi kita, karena dalm era globalisasi ini kita butuh berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Artinya jika kita ingin mudah untuk berjalan-jalan ke seluruh pelosok dunia, kita harus bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris.
Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi problem komunikasi yang dialami manusia dari pemilikan bahasa yang berbeda-beda, adalah  bahasa Inggris, karena bahasa Inggris telah diakui oleh dunia sebagai bahasa komunikasi dunia..
Untuk itu bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa yang sangat penting untuk dipelajari. Sejak dini, anak-anak perlu dikenalkan dengan bahasa Inggris. Seperti kata pepatah, belajar di waktu muda bagai mengukir di atas batu, sedangkan belajar di waktu tua bagai mengukir di atas air.
Atas alasan itu, kami memiliki inisiatif untuk menyusun buku sebagai panduan bagi anak-anak yang ingin mendalami bahasa Inggris, yang kami beri judul Tenses for Children. Dengan harapan di samping anak-anak Indonesia bisa mahir berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar, sebagai kaum terpelajar juga perlu tahu bahwa sebagai bahasa Internasional tentu bahasa Inggris memiliki standard bahasa, untuk menjaga bahasa tersebut dari kerusakan bahasa itu sendiri. Lebih-lebih dalam situasi/acara resmi, maka kita harus berusaha menggunakan bahasa Inggis dengan baik dan benar. Kebiasaan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang tidak mengikuti kaidah-kaidah bahasa, maka akan mempersubur munculnya perusak-perusak bahasa dan dan akan mencetak guru bahasa Inggris yang tidak mampu menyalahkan kesalahan-kesalahan yang dilakukan/diperbuat oleh murid-murid/anak didiknya. Itulah sebabnya kami menyusun buku grammar sederhana ini untuk membantu anak-anak yang ingin memperdalam bahasa Inggris. Memang dalam taraf latihan/berlatih berbicara dan melatih keberanian untuk berbicara, maka grammar(tata bahasa) dapat diabaikan untuk sementara waktu agar tidak muncul keraguan dan takut salah dalam berbicara. Tapi bukan untuk benar-benar diabaikan yang mengakibatkan pemakaian bahasa Inggrisnya sangat belepotan dan sangat parah. Terlebih kalau yang sangat belepotan dalam berbicara itu seorang guru bahasa Inggris dan diketahui oleh muridnya yang pintar, maka akan sangat memalukan. Itulah perlunya mengetahui bahasa standard dalam bahasa Inggris.
Buku lain yang bisa mendukung untuk lebih menguasai bahasa Inggris dan sebagai pelengkap buku ini antara lain Grammar for Children, Enriching English, dan Dictionary for Kids.

Daftar Isi

Halaman Judul.............................................................................................. 1
Pendahuluan.................................................................................................. 2
Daftar Isi ........................................................................................................3
Tenses............................................................................................................. 5
1. Simple Present Tense.............................................................................. 6
2. Simple Past Tense................................................................................... 10
3. Present Continuous Tense..................................................................... 12
4. Past Continuous Tense........................................................................... 15
5. Present Future Tense............................................................................. 17
6. Past Future Tense.................................................................................... 20
7. Present Perfect Tense............................................................................. 22
8. Past Perfect Tense.................................................................................... 25
9. Present Perfect Continuous Tense....................................................... 27
10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense............................................................ 30
Penutup........................................................................................................... 33
Daftar Pustaka............................................................................................... 34

            Sebelum mempelajari tenses, alangkah lebih baiknya kita mengenal dulu mengenai kalimat verbal, kalimat non verbal, kalimat negatif, dan kalimat tanya.

Kalimat Verbal
Kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang ada kata kerjanya. Maksudnya yaitu suatu kalimat yang predikatnya berupa kata kerja/verb.
Rumusnya yaitu :
subject + kata kerja + sisa kalimat
Contoh :
I play football
Saya bermain sepak bola

Kalimat Nonverbal
Kalimat non-verbal adalah kalimat yang tidak ada kata kerjanya. Maksudnya yaitu suatu kalimat yang predikatnya berupa non-verb(bukan kata kerja).
Rumusnya yaitu :
subject + to be + (non-verb) +sisa kalimat
Contoh :
I am in the kitchen
Saya di dapur

Kalimat Negatif
Kalimat negatif adalah kalimat yang menggunakan kata not (tidak) atau no(bukan/tidak)
Pada kalimat verbal, untuk membentuk kalimat negatifnya harus menambahkan kata kerja bantu + not di belakang subyek.
Rumusnya yaitu :
            Subject + kk bantu (do/does/did) + not + kt kerja bentuk asli + sisa kalimat
Contoh :
I play football
(-) I do not play football
Saya tidak bermain sepakbola
He plays football
(-) He does not play football.

They played football yesterday.
(-) They did not play football yesterday.

Kata have(mempunyai) jika langsung diikuti kata benda, maka negativenya menggunakan no.
Contoh: I have no books. (Saya tidak punya buku)

Pada kalimat nonverbal, untuk membentuk kalimat negatifnya hanya menambahkan not saja di belakang to be.
Rumusnya yaitu :
            Subject + to be + not + sisa kalimat
Contoh :
I am in the kitchen
Saya di dapur
(-) I am not in the kitchen
Saya tidak di dapur

Kalimat Tanya
Kalimat tanya yaitu kalimat yang digunakan untuk bertanya atau menanyakan sesuatu.
Pada kalimat verbal, untuk membentuk kalimat tanya, kita harus menggunakan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) yang diiletakkan di depan subyek, yaitu di awal kalimat.
Rumusnya yaitu :
            kk bantu + subject + kata kerja bentuk asli + sisa kalimat + ?
Contoh :
I play football
Saya bermain sepak bola
(?) Do I play football?
Apakah saya bermain sepakbola?

Pada kalimat nonverbal, untuk membentuk kalimat tanya, kita hanya memindahkan to be ke depan subyek, yaitu ke awal kalimat).
Rumusnya yaitu :
            to be + subject + sisa kalimat+tanda Tanya(?)

Contoh :
I am in the kitchen
Saya di dapur
(?) Am I in the kitchen?
Apakah saya di dapur?


Tenses adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang disesuaikan dengan waktunya. ( A tense is a verb form associated with the time).
Ada 2 macam bentuk tenses yaitu:
1.      Bentuk present(sekarang)
2.      Bentuk past(lampau)

Macam-macam kalimat menurut tensesnya antara lain:

simple present tense
simple past tense
present continuous tense
past continuous tense
present future tense
past future tense
present perfect tense
past perfect tense
Present perfect continuous tense
past perfect continuous tense

1. Simple Present Tense

Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan(action) yang merupakan kebiasaan(habitual action) atau kebenaran abadi (eternal truth) .

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:
often                         sering
always                      selalu
usualy                       biasanya
sometimes                kadang-kadang
seldom                      jarang
every                        tiap-tiap

Rumus kalimat aktinya yaitu:
            subject + verb I + sisa kalimat

Keterangan :
Pada kalimat aktif simple present tense, verb I ditambah akhiran s/es jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal, nama jenis barang atau binatang tunggal, atau kata gantinya yaitu he/she/it.

Cara menambahkan akhiran s/es pada kata kerja:
1.      Jika kata kerjanya berakhir dengan bunyi/suara desis (x, ch, sh, ss, dan s), serta yang berakhir dengan huruf o, maka ditambah akhiran es
mix             menjadi           mixes               mencampur
watch         menjadi           watches           menonton
wash           menjadi           washes            mencuci
kiss             menjadi           kisses               mencium
go               menjadi           goes                 pergi
2.      Jika kata kerjanya berakhir dengan huruf y dan didahului oleh huruf mati, maka huruf y tersebut harus diubah dulu menjadi huruf i kemudian ditambah akhiran es
study          menjadi           studies             belajar
fry              menjadi           fries                 menggoreng

3.      Jika kata kerjanya tidak termasuk dalam kedua aturan diatas, maka hanya ditambah akhiran s
play            menjadi           plays                bermain
make           menjadi           makes              membuat
speak          menjadi           speaks             berbicara

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
subject + to be (am/are/is) + verb III + by + agent(pelaku) + sisa kalimat

1.      Jika verb / kata kerjanya merupakan kata kerja beraturan (regular verb), maka bentuk kedua (verb II) dan bentuk ketiga (verb III) hanya menambahkan akhiran –ed saja pada kata kerjanya
verb I         verb II            verb III           arti
call              called              called              memanggil
play            called              played             bermain

2.      Jika verb / kata kerjanya merupakan kata kerja tidak beraturan (irregular verb), maka bentuk kedua (verb II) dan bentuk ketiga (verb III) dapat dilihat di daftar kata kerja tidak beraturan
verb I         verb II            verb III           arti
blow           blew                blown              meniup
bring           brought           brought           membawa

Kalimat aktif
I sing a song on the stage
Saya menyanyikan sebuah lagu di atas panggung
(-) I do not sing a song
(?) Do I sing a song?

We sing a song on the stage
Kami menyanyikan sebuah lagu di atas panggung
(-) We do not sing a song
(?) Do we sing a song?

You sing a song on the stage
Kamu menyanyikan sebuah lagu di atas panggung
(-) You do not sing a song
(?) Do you sing a song?

He sings a song on the stage
Dia menyanyikan sebuah lagu di atas panggung
(-) He does not sing a song
(?) Does he sing a song?

She sings a song on the stage
Dia menyanyikan sebuah lagu di atas panggung
(-) She does not sing a song
(?) Does she sing a song?

It sings a song on the stage
Dia menyanyikan sebuah lagu di atas panggung
(-) It does not sing a song
(?) Does it sing a song?

They sing a song on the stage
Mereka menyanyikan sebuah lagu di atas panggung
(-) They do not sing a song
(?) Do they sing a song?
Kalimat Pasif
The song is sung by me on the stage
Lagu itu dinyanyikan oleh saya di atas panggung
(-) The song is not sung by me on the stage
(?) Is the song sung by me on the stage?

The song is sung by us on the stage
Lagu itu dinyanyikan oleh kami di atas panggung
(-) The song is not sang by us on the stage
(?) Is the song sang by us on the stage?

The song is sung by you on the stage
Lagu itu dinyanyikan oleh kamu (kamu nyanyikan) di atas panggung
(-) The song is not sang by you on the stage
(?) Is the song sang by you on the stage?

The song is sung by him on the stage
Lagu itu dinyanyikan oleh dia di atas panggung
(-) The song is not sung by him on the stage
(?) Is the song sung by him on the stage?

The song is sung by her on the stage
Lagu itu dinyanyikan oleh dia di atas panggung
(-) The song is not sung by her on the stage
(?) Is the song sung by her on the stage?

The song is sung by it on the stage
Lagu itu dinyanyikan oleh dia di atas panggung
(-) The song is not sung by it on the stage
(?) Is the song sung by it on the stage?

The song is sung by them on the stage
Lagu itu dinyanyikan oleh mereka di atas panggung
(-) The song is not sung by them on the stage
(?) Is the song sung by them on the stage?
2. Simple Past Tense
Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan (action) yang dikerjakan pada waktu lampau (past).

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:
yesterday                  kemarin
just now                   tadi/ baru saja
last                            yang lalu
ago                           yang lalu
this morning             tadi pagi

Rumus kalimat aktifnya yaitu:
subject + verb II + sisa kalimat

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
            subject + to be (was/were) + verb III + by + agent(pelaku) + sisa kalimat

Kalimat Aktif
I played football yesterday
Saya bermain sepakbola kemarin
(-) I did not play football yesterday
(?) Did I play football yesterday?

We played football yesterday
Kami bermain sepakbola kemarin
(-) We did not play football yesterday
(?) Did we play football yesterday?

You played football yesterday
Kamu bermain sepakbola kemarin
(-) You did not play football yesterday
(?) Did you play football yesterday?

He played football yesterday
Dia bermain sepakbola kemarin
(-) He did not play football yesterday
(?) Did he play football yesterday?

She played football yesterday
Dia bermain sepakbola kemarin
(-) She did not play football yesterday
(?) Did she play football yesterday?

It played football yesterday
Dia bermain sepakbola kemarin
(-) It did not play football yesterday
(?) Did it play football yesterday?

They played football yesterday
Mereka bermain sepakbola kemarin
(-) They did not play football yesterday
(?) Did they play football yesterday?

Kalimat pasif
The football was played by me yesterday
Sepakbola dimainkan oleh saya (saya mainkan) kemarin
(-) The football was not played by me yesterday
(?) Was the football played by me yesterday?

The football was played by us yesterday
Sepakbola dimainkan oleh kami (kami mainkan) kemarin
(-) The football was not played by us yesterday
(?) Was the football played by us yesterday?

The football was played by you yesterday
Sepakbola dimainkan oleh kamu (kamu mainkan) kemarin
(-) The football was not played by you yesterday
(?) Was the football played by you yesterday?

The football was played by him yesterday
Sepakbola dimainkan oleh dia kemarin
(-) The football was not played by him yesterday
(?) Was the football played by him yesterday?

The football was played by her yesterday
Sepakbola dimainkan oleh dia kemarin
(-) The football was not played by her yesterday
(?) Was the football played by her yesterday?

The football was played by it yesterday
Sepakbola dimainkan oleh dia kemarin
(-) The football was not played by it yesterday
(?) Was the football played by it yesterday?

The football was played by them yesterday
Sepakbola dimainkan oleh mereka kemarin
(-) The football was not played by them yesterday
(?) Was the football played by them yesterday?

3. Present Continuous Tense

Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan(action) yang sedang dikerjakan (sedang berlangsung).

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:
now                          sekarang
at present                  sekarang
this time                   saat ini
this evening              malam ini
tonight                      malam ini

Rumus kalimat aktifnya yaitu:
            subject + to be (am/are/is) + verb ing + sisa kalimat

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
            subject + to be (am/are/is) + being + verb III + sisa kalimat

Kalimat aktif
I am eating noodle now
Saya sedang makan bakmi sekarang
(-) I am not eating noodle now
(?) Am I eating noodle now?

We are eating noodle now
Kami sedang makan bakmi sekarang
(-) We are not eating noodle now
(?) Are we eating noodle now?

You are eating noodle now
 Kamu sedang makan bakmi sekarang
(-) You are not eating noodle now
(?) Are you eating noodle now?

He is eating noodle now
Dia sedang makan bakmi sekarang
(-) He is not eating noodle now
(?) Is he eating noodle now?

She is eating noodle now
Dia sedang makan bakmi sekarang
(-) She is not eating noodle now
(?) Is she eating noodle now?

It is eating noodle now
Dia sedang makan bakmi sekarang
(-) It is not eating noodle now
(?) Is it eating noodle now?

They are eating noodle now
Mereka sedang makan bakmi sekarang
(-) They are not eating noodle now
(?) Are they eating noodle now?

Kalimat pasif
The noodle is being eaten by me
Bakmi itu sedang dimakan oleh saya (saya makan)
(-) The noodle is not being eaten by me
(?) Is the noodle being eaten by me?

The noodle is being eaten by us
Bakmi itu sedang dimakan oleh kami (kami makan)
(-) The noodle is not being eaten by us
(?) Is the noodle being eaten by us?

The noodle is being eaten by you
Bakmi itu sedang dimakan oleh kamu (kamu makan)
(-) The noodle is not being eaten by you
(?) Is the noodle being eaten by you?

The noodle is being eaten by him
Bakmi itu sedang dimakan oleh dia
(-) The noodle is not being eaten by him
(?) Is the noodle being eaten by him?

The noodle is being eaten by her
Bakmi itu sedang dimakan oleh dia
(-) The noodle is not being eaten by her
(?) Is the noodle being eaten by her?

The noodle is being eaten by it
Bakmi itu sedang dimakan oleh dia
(-) The noodle is not being eaten by it
(?) Is the noodle being eaten by it?

The noodle is being eaten by them
Bakmi itu sedang dimakan oleh mereka
(-) The noodle is not being eaten by them
(?) Is the noodle being eaten by them?
4. Past Continuous Tense

Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang dikerjakan pada waktu lampau.

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:
when                        ketika/sewaktu
while                        pada saat

Rumus kalimat aktifnya yaitu:
            subject + to be (was/were) + verb ing + sisa kalimat
Ingat!  To be bentuk sekarang/present “am” menjadi were
                                                                 are   menjadi were
                                                                 is menjadi was

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
            subject + to be (was/were) + being + verb III + sisa kalimat

Kalimat aktif
I was reading novels when you came here
Saya sedang membaca novel ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) I was not reading novels when you came here
(?) Was I reading novels when you came here?

We were reading novels when you came here
Kami sedang membaca novel ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) We were not reading novels when you came here
(?) Were we reading novels when you came here?

You were reading novels when you came here
Kamu sedang membaca novel ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) You were not reading novels when you came here
(?) Were you reading novels when you came here?

He was reading novels when you came here
Dia sedang membaca novel ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) He was not reading novels when you came here
(?) Was he reading novels when you came here?
She was reading novels when you came here
Dia sedang membaca novel ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) She was not reading novels when you came here
(?) Was she reading novels when you came here?

It was reading novels when you came here
Dia sedang membaca novel ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) It was not reading novels when you came here
(?) Was it reading novels when you came here?

They were reading novels when you came here
Mereka sedang membaca novel ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) They were not reading novels when you came here
(?) Were they reading novels when you came here?

Kalimat pasif
The novels were being read by me when you came here
Novel itu sedang dibaca oleh saya (aku baca) ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) The novels were not being read by me when you came here
(?) Were the novels being read by me when you came here?

The novels were being read by us when you came here
Novel itu sedang dibaca oleh kami (kami baca) ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) The novels were not being read by us when you came here
(?) Were the novels being read by us when you came here?

The novels were being read by you when you came here
Novel itu sedang dibaca oleh kamu ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) The novels were not being read by you when you came here
(?) Were the novels being read by you when you came here?

The novels were being read by him when you came here
Novel itu sedang dibaca oleh dia ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) The novels were not being read by him when you came here
(?) Were the novels being read by him when you came here?

The novels were being read by her when you came here
Novel itu sedang dibaca oleh dia ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) The novels were not being read by her when you came here
(?) Were the novels being read by her when you came here?

The novels were being read by it when you came here
Novel itu sedang dibaca oleh dia ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) The novels were not being read by it when you came here
(?) Were the novels being read by it when you came here?

The novels were being read by them when you came here
Novel itu sedang dibaca oleh mereka ketika kamu datang ke sini
(-) The novels were not being read by them when you came here
(?) Were the novels being read by them when you came here?

5. Present Future Tense

Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dikerjakan.

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:
tomorrow                 besok
next                          yang akan datang
tonight                      malam ini / nanti malam
this afternoon           sore ini / nanti sore
soon                          segera

Rumus kalimat aktifnya yaitu:
            subject + shall/will + verb I + sisa kalimat

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
            subject + shall/will + be + verb III + sisa kalimat

Kalimat aktif
I will bring a new bag to school tomorrow
Saya akan membawa sebuah tas baru ke sekolah besok
(-) I will not bring a new bag to school tomorrow
(?) Will I bring a new bag to school tomorrow?

We will bring a new bag to school tomorrow
Kami akan membawa sebuah tas baru ke sekolah besok
(-) We will not bring a new bag to school tomorrow
(?) Will we bring a new bag to school tomorrow?

You will bring a new bag to school tomorrow
Kamu akan membawa sebuah tas baru ke sekolah besok
(-) You will not bring a new bag to school tomorrow
(?) Will you bring a new bag to school tomorrow?

He will bring a new bag to school tomorrow
Dia akan membawa sebuah tas baru ke sekolah besok
(-) He will not bring a new bag to school tomorrow
(?) Will he bring a new bag to school tomorrow?

She will bring a new bag to school tomorrow
Dia akan membawa sebuah tas baru ke sekolah besok
(-) She will not bring a new bag to school tomorrow
(?) Will she bring a new bag to school tomorrow?

It will bring a new bag to school tomorrow
Dia akan membawa sebuah tas baru ke sekolah besok
(-) It will not bring a new bag to school tomorrow
(?) Will it bring a new bag to school tomorrow?

They will bring a new bag to school tomorrow
Mereka akan membawa sebuah tas baru ke sekolah besok
(-) They will not bring a new bag to school tomorrow
(?) Will they bring a new bag to school tomorrow?

Kalimat pasif
A new bag will be brought by me to school tomorrow
Sebuah tas baru akan dibawa oleh saya (saya bawa)  ke sekolah besok
(-) A new bag will not be brought by me to school tomorrow
(?) Will a new bag be brought by me to school tomorrow

A new bag will be brought by us to school tomorrow
Sebuah tas baru akan dibawa oleh kami (kami bawa) ke sekolah besok
(-) A new bag will not be brought by us to school tomorrow
(?) Will a new bag be brought by us to school tomorrow

A new bag will be brought by you to school tomorrow
Sebuah tas baru akan dibawa oleh kamu ke sekolah besok
(-) A new bag will not be brought by you to school tomorrow
(?) Will a new bag be brought by you to school tomorrow

A new bag will be brought by him to school tomorrow
Sebuah tas baru akan dibawa oleh dia ke sekolah besok
(-) A new bag will not be brought by him to school tomorrow
(?) Will a new bag be brought by him to school tomorrow

A new bag will be brought by her to school tomorrow
Sebuah tas baru akan dibawa oleh dia ke sekolah besok
(-) A new bag will not be brought by her to school tomorrow
(?) Will a new bag be brought by her to school tomorrow

A new bag will be brought by it to school tomorrow
Sebuah tas baru akan dibawa oleh dia ke sekolah besok
(-) A new bag will not be brought by it to school tomorrow
(?) Will a new bag be brought by it to school tomorrow

A new bag will be brought by them to school tomorrow
Sebuah tas baru akan dibawa oleh mereka ke sekolah besok
(-) A new bag will not be brought by them to school tomorrow
(?) Will a new bag be brought by them to school tomorrow

6. Past Future Tense

Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dikerjakan pada waktu lampau. (berencana/merencanakan pada waktu lampau).
            subject + should/would + verb I + sisa kalimat

Kalimat past future tense biasanya dipakai dalam kalimat pengandaian type ke 2 atau Conditional Tipe ke 2.
Contoh: If I were a bird, I would fly high on the sky. ( Jika saya seekor burung, saya akan terbang tinggi di angkasa). Ini merupakan pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi, karena syaratnya tidak terpenuhi pada waktu lampau)

             Untuk mengungkapkan suatu rencana pada waktu lampau, kita tetap menggunakan kalimat simple past tense. Contoh:
                                  I planned to go to Jakarta yesterday.
                                   (Saya merencanakan pergi ke Jakarta kemarin)
                                  Atau: I had a plan to go to Jakarta yesterday.
               (Saya ada rencana ke Jakarta kemarin)

      Harus diingat !
  1. Kata should bentuk lampau dari kata shall mempunyai arti “seharusnya atau harus), dipakai untuk kegiatan waktu sekarang ( bukan untuk kegiatan waktu lampau).
  2. Kata would bentuk lampau dari will, mempunyai arti “mau” dipakai untuk kegiatan waktu sekarang (bukan untuk kegiatan waktu lampau). Kata “would” juga biasa dipakai untuk kalimat permintaan yang lebih halus/sopan.

  1. You should go to Surabaya.
(Kamu seharusnya pergi ke Surabaya)
  1. I would like to play badminton
(Saya mau bermain badminton)

  1. Would you open the door, please?
Maukah kamu membuka pintu?)

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
            subject + should/would + be + verb III + sisa kalimat

Contoh lain penggunaan kata would dalam kalimat:
Kalimat aktif
I would buy a motorcycle
Saya mau membeli sebuah sepeda motor
(-) I would not buy a motorcycle
(?) Would I buy a motorcycle?
(Maukah saya membeli sebuah sepeda motor?)
We would buy a motorcycle
Kami mau membeli sebuah sepeda motor
(-) We would not buy a motorcycle
(?) Would we buy a motorcycle?

Youwould buy a motorcycle
Kamu ingin membeli sebuah sepeda motor
(-) You would not buy a motorcycle
(?) Would you buy a motorcycle?

He would buy a motorcycle
Dia ingin membeli sebuah sepeda motor
(-) He would not buy a motorcycle
(?) Would he buy a motorcycle?

She would buy a motorcycle
Dia ingin membeli sebuah sepeda motor
(-) She would not buy a motorcycle
(?) Would she buy a motorcycle?
      (Maukah dia membeli sebuah sepeda motor?)
It would buy a motorcycle
Dia mau membeli sebuah sepeda motor
(-) It would not buy a motorcycle
(?) Would it buy a motorcycle?

They would buy a motorcycle
Mereka mau membeli sebuah sepeda motor
(-) They would not buy a motorcycle
(?) Would they buy a motorcycle?
      (Maukah mereka membeli sebuah sepeda motor)?

Kalimat pasif
A motorcycle would be bought by me
Sebuah sepeda motor mau saya beli (dibeli oleh saya)
(-) A motorcycle would not be bought by me
(?) Would a motorcycle be bought by me?

A motorcycle would be bought by us
Sebuah sepeda motor mau dibeli oleh kami
(-) A motorcycle would not be bought by us
(?) Would a motorcycle be bought by us?

A motorcycle would be bought by you
Sebuah sepeda motor mau dibeli oleh kamu
(-) A motorcycle would not be bought by you
(?) Would a motorcycle be bought by kamu?

A motorcycle would be bought by him
Sebuah sepeda motor mau dibeli oleh dia
(-) A motorcycle would not be bought by him
(?) Would a motorcycle be bought by him?

A motorcycle would be bought by her
Sebuah sepeda motor mau dibeli oleh dia
(-) A motorcycle would not be bought by her
(?) Would a motorcycle be bought by her?

A motorcycle would be bought by it
Sebuah sepeda motor mau dibeli oleh dia
(-) A motorcycle would not be bought by it
(?) Would a motorcycle be bought by dia?

A motorcycle would be bought by them
Sebuah sepeda motor mau dibeli oleh mereka
(-) A motorcycle would not be bought by them
(?) Would a motorcycle be bought by them?

7. Present Perfect Tense

Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan (action) yang telah dikerjakan.

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:
since                         sejak
for                            selama
recently                    baru-baru ini
ever                          pernah
never                        tidak pernak
already                     (dipakai dalam kalimat positif)
yet                            (dipakai dalam kalimat negative dan tanya)

Rumus kalimat aktifnya yaitu:
            subject + have/has + verb III + sisa kalimat

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
            subject + have/has + been + verb III + by + agent (pelaku) + sisa kalimat
I, We, You dan They, memakai have
He, She, dan It, memakai has

Kalimat aktif
I have closed the door since two hours ago
Saya telah menutup pintu sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) I have not closed the door since two hours ago
(?) Have I closed the door since two hours ago?

We have closed the door since two hours ago
Kami telah menutup pintu sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) We have not closed the door since two hours ago
(?) Have we closed the door since two hours ago?

You have closed the door since two hours ago
Kamu telah menutup pintu sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) you have not closed the door since two hours ago
(?) Have you closed the door since two hours ago?

He has closed the door since two hours ago
Dia telah menutup pintu sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) He has not closed the door since two hours ago
(?) Has he closed the door since two hours ago?

She has closed the door since two hours ago
Dia telah menutup pintu sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) She has not closed the door since two hours ago
(?) Has she closed the door since two hours ago?

It has closed the door since two hours ago
Dia telah menutup pintu sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) It has not closed the door since two hours ago
(?) Has It closed the door since two hours ago?

They have closed the door since two hours ago
Mereka telah menutup pintu sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) They have not closed the door since two hours ago
(?) Have they closed the door since two hours ago?

Kalimat pasif
The door has been closed by me since two hours ago
Pintu itu telah ditutup oleh saya (saya tutup) sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) The door has not been closed by me since two hours ago
(?) Has the door been closed by me since two hours ago?

The door has been closed by us since two hours ago
Pintu itu telah ditutup oleh kami sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) The door has not been closed by us since two hours ago
(?) Has the door been closed by us since two hours ago?

The door has been closed by you since two hours ago
Pintu itu telah ditutup oleh kamu sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) The door has not been closed by you since two hours ago
(?) Has the door been closed by you since two hours ago?

The door has been closed by him since two hours ago
Pintu itu telah ditutup oleh dia sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) The door has not been closed by him since two hours ago
(?) Has the door been closed by him since two hours ago?

The door has been closed by her since two hours ago
Pintu itu telah ditutup oleh dia sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) The door has not been closed by her since two hours ago
(?) Has the door been closed by her since two hours ago?

The door has been closed by it since two hours ago
Pintu itu telah ditutup oleh dia sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) The door has not been closed by it since two hours ago
(?) Has the door been closed by it since two hours ago?

The door has been closed by them since two hours ago
Pintu itu telah ditutup oleh mereka sejak dua jam yang lalu
(-) The door has not been closed by them since two hours ago
(?) Has the door been closed by them since two hours ago?
8. Past Perfect Tense

Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan telah selesainya suatu kegiatan sebelum peristiwa yang lain terjadi pada waktu lampau.

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:
before                       sebelum
after                          sesudah
as soon as                 segera sesudah
until                          hingga

Rumus kalimat aktifnya yaitu:
            subject + had + verb III + sisa kalimat

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
            subject + had + been + verb III + by + agent (pelaku) + sisa kalimat

Kalimat aktif
I had done it before you came
Saya telah mengerjakannya sebelum kamu datang
(-) I had not done it before you came
(?) Had I done it before you came?

We had done it before you came
Kami telah mengerjakannya sebelum kamu datang
(-) We had not done it before you came
(?) Had we done it before you came?

You had done it before you came
Kamu telah mengerjakannya sebelum kamu datang
(-) You had not done it before you came
(?) Had you done it before you came?

He had done it before you came
Dia telah mengerjakannya sebelum kamu datang
(-) He had not done it before you came
(?) Had he done it before you came?

She had done it before you came
Dia telah mengerjakannya sebelum kamu
(-) She had not done it before you came
(?) Had she done it before you came?

It had done it before you came
Dia telah mengerjakannya sebelum kamu datang
(-) It had not done it before you came
(?) Had it done it before you came?

They had done it before you came
Mereka telah mengerjakannya sebelum kamu came
(-) They had not done it before you came
(?) Had they done it before you came?

Kalimat pasif
It had been done by me before you came
Itu sudah dikerjakan oleh saya sebelum kamu datang
(-) It had not been done by me before you came
(?) Had it been done by me before you came

It had been done by us before you came
Itu sudah dikerjakan oleh kami sebelum kamu datang
(-) It had not been done by us before you came
(?) Had it been done by us before you came

It had been done by you before you came
Itu sudah dikerjakan oleh kamu sebelum kamu datang
(-) It had not been done by you before you came
(?) Had it been done by you before you came

It had been done by him before you came
Itu sudah dikerjakan oleh dia sebelum kamu came
(-) It had not been done by him before you came
(?) Had it been done by him before you came

It had been done by her before you came
Itu sudah dikerjakan oleh dia sebelum kamu datang
(-) It had not been done by her before you came
(?) Had it been done by her before you

It had been done by it before you came
Itu sudah dikerjakan oleh dia sebelum kamu datang
(-) It had not been done by it before you came
(?) Had it been done by it before you came

It had been done by them before you came
Itu sudah dikerjakan oleh mereka sebelum kamu datang
(-) It had not been done by them before you came
(?) Had it been done by them before you came

9. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah sedang dikerjakan. Atau untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah dimulai pada waktu lampau dan sekarang masih berlangsung, hingga waktu yang akan data

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:
since                         sejak
for                            selama
recently                    baru-baru ini

Rumus kalimat aktifnya yaitu:
            subject + have/has + been + verb ing + sisa kalimat

I, We, You dan They, memakai have
He, She dan It, memakai has

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
            subject + have/has + been + being + verb III + by + agent(pelaku) +  sisa

Kalimat aktif
I have been meeting your mother recently
Saya telah sedang bertemu ibumu baru-baru (akhir-akhir) ini
(-) I have not been meeting your mother recently
(?) Have I been meeting your mother recently?

We have been meeting your mother recently
Kami telah sedang bertemu ibumu baru-baru ini
(-) We have not been meeting your mother recently
(?) Have we been meeting your mother recently?

You have been meeting your mother recently
Kamu telah sedang bertemu ibumu baru-baru ini
(-) You have not been meeting your mother recently
(?) Have you been meeting your mother recently?

He has been meeting your mother recently
Dia telah sedang bertemu ibumu baru-baru ini
(-) He has not been meeting your mother recently
(?) Has he been meeting your mother recently?

She has been meeting your mother recently
Dia telah sedang bertemu ibumu baru-baru ini
(-) She has not been meeting your mother recently
(?) Has she been meeting your mother recently?

It has been meeting your mother recently
Dia telah sedang bertemu ibumu baru-baru ini
(-) It has not been meeting your mother recently
(?) Has it been meeting your mother recently?

They have been meeting your mother recently
Mereka telah sedang bertemu ibumu baru-baru ini
(-) They have not been meeting your mother recently
(?) Have they been meeting your mother recently?

Kalimat pasif
Your mother has been being met by me recently
Ibumu telah sedang saya temui (ditemui oleh saya) baru-baru ini
(-) Your mother has not been being met by me recently
(?) Has your mother been being met by me recently?

Your mother has been being met by us recently
Ibumu telah sedang ditemui oleh kami baru-baru ini
(-) Your mother has not been being met by us recently
(?) Has your mother been being met by us recently?

Your mother has been being met by you recently
Ibumu telah sedang ditemui oleh kamu baru-baru ini
(-) Your mother has not been being met by you recently
(?) Has your mother been being met by you recently?

Your mother has been being met by him recently
Ibumu telah sedang ditemui oleh dia baru-baru ini
(-) Your mother has not been being met by him recently
(?) Has your mother been being met by him recently?

Your mother has been being met by her recently
Ibumu telah sedang ditemui oleh dia baru-baru ini
(-) Your mother has not been being met by her recently
(?) Has your mother been being met by her recently?

Your mother has been being met by it recently
Ibumu telah sedang ditemui oleh dia baru-baru ini
(-) Your mother has not been being met by it recently
(?) Has your mother been being met by it recently?

Your mother has been being met by them recently
Ibumu telah sedang ditemui oleh mereka baru-baru ini
(-) Your mother has not been being met by them recently
(?) Has your mother been being met by them recently?

10. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Gunanya yaitu untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah sedang dikerjakan pada waktu lampau.

Keterangan waktu yang biasa dipakai antara lain:
since                         sejak
for                            selama
recently                    baru-baru ini

Rumus kalimat aktifnya yaitu:
            subject + had + been + (verb + ing) + sisa kalimat

Rumus kalimat pasifnya yaitu:
            subject + had + been + being + verb III + by + agent (agent) + sisa

Kalimat aktif
I had been calling you for one minute
Saya telah sedang memanggilmu selama satu menit
(-) I had not been calling you for one minute
(?) Had I been calling you for one minute?

We had been calling you for one minute
Kami telah sedang memanggilmu selama satu menit
(-) We had not been calling you for one minute
(?) Had we been calling you for one minute?

You had been calling you for one minute
Kamu telah sedang memanggilmu selama satu menit
(-) You had not been calling you for one minute
(?) Had you been calling you for one minute?

He had been calling you for one minute
Dia telah sedang memanggilmu selama satu menit
(-) He had not been calling you for one minute
(?) Had he been calling you for one minute?

She had been calling you for one minute
Dia telah sedang memanggilmu selama satu menit
(-) He had not been calling you for one minute
(?) Had he been calling you for one minute?

It had been calling you for one minute
Dia telah sedang memanggilmu selama satu menit
(-) It had not been calling you for one minute
(?) Had it been calling you for one minute?

They had been calling you for one minute
Mereka telah sedang memanggilmu selama satu menit
(-) They had not been calling you for one minute
(?) Had they been calling you for one minute?

Kalimat pasif
You had been being called by me for one minute
Kamu telah sedang dipanggil oleh saya selama satu menit
(-) You had not been being called by me for one minute
(?) Had you been being called by me for one minute?

You had been being called by us for one minute
Kamu telah sedang dipanggil oleh kami selama satu menit
(-) You had not been being called by us for one minute
(?) Had you been being called by us for one minute?

I had been being called by you for one minute
Saya telah sedang dipanggil oleh kamu selama satu menit
(-) You had not been being called by you for one minute
(?) Had you been being called by you for one minute?

You had been being called by him for one minute
Kamu telah sedang dipanggil oleh dia selama satu menit
(-) You had not been being called by him for one minute
(?) Had you been being called by him for one minute?

You had been being called by her for one minute
Kamu telah sedang dipanggil oleh dia selama satu menit
(-) You had not been being called by her for one minute
(?) Had you been being called by her for one minute?

You had been being called by it for one minute
Kamu telah sedang dipanggil oleh dia selama satu menit
(-) You had not been being called by it for one minute
(?) Had you been being called by it for one minute?

You had been being called by them for one minute
Kamu telah sedang dipanggil oleh mereka selama satu menit
(-) You had not been being called by them for one minute
(?) Had you been being called by them for one minute?


Inilah buku yang kami usahakan sebaik mungkin untuk menjadi bacaan yang menuntun, menarik, dan tidak membosankan bagi pembaca. Dengan harapan buku ini telah sedikit memberikan penerangan, karena ilmu yang disampaikan, ditularkan, dan diamalkan, cahayanya akan terus mengalir, sedikit demi sedikit mengikis kegelapan.
Tentunya sebuah karya tidak mungkin lepas dari kurang dan salah. Karenanya kritik dan saran dari pembaca sangat kami harapkan. Sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
Terakhir kami kutipkan kata-kata yang mungkin bisa membantu:

“Practise makes perfect”
“Banyak berlatih dapat membuatnya lebih sempurna”

Daftar Pustaka

Cambridge English House. Hand Book 1-6. Yogyakarta: CEH.
Cambridge English House. Word Power 1-6. Yogyakarta: CEH.
Echolis, John M, Hassan Shadily. 1997. Kamus Indonesia Inggris. Jakarta: Percetakan PT Gramedia.
Echolis, John M, Hassan Shadily 1982. Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Jakarta: Percetakan PT Gramedia.

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